Ryker and I at Beaver Creek Lodge up logan canyon. Ryker had a rough morning.

But he loved the Four Wheeler ride.

Lindsay, Katie, Brooke, A.J. and Ryker ( my cousins)

The Bowen Family at the Minnetonka Caves. They were kinda creepy! we got all the way in the cave and they turned out the lights on us.

We played guitar hero out side on a huge projector screen, it was fun!

Ryker begging for food at lunch at the park.

Sarah, Dylan, Savannah, Ryker and I spent the morning at the pool.

Rory take off your shirt before you get in!!!!

Playing games with the Schettler clan.
We had a blast even though it was a little crazy at times with fourty people. I have the best family, we love being together and spending time with each other. I am truely grateful to have such an awesome family!